Virtual Academy Name Change

Name Change Coming for Berne Union Virtual Classes
Scrabble tiles that say voteConsidering most classes are taken online these days, it has been difficult for the virtual classes offered at Berne Union to stand out. However, nothing compares to the quality, convenience, and knowledge offered through these courses! This is why we must rename the virtual classes with something as awesome as what they have to offer Berne Union students. So far the following name-starters have been considered: Starr, Duke, Berne, Ad Astra, and The Grove. “Starr” is in reference to Principal Bob Starr and could be mentioned in a name that includes a play on words between “rocket” and “stars”. Including “Duke” in the new name would be in memory of Berne Union’s first Superintendent, R.B. Duke. The name-starter “Berne” would be easily associated with the school and township. Perhaps the most creative name, “Ad Astra”, meaning “to the stars” in Latin, once again references the relationship between rockets/stars. And finally “The Grove” has served as a nickname for Sugar Grove, so why not use it?

Start considering which name you think will suit our virtual classes best! Soon, there will be a Google form published that will allow you to vote!

By Addie Hedges